Sunday, July 7, 2013

ASP - Appalachia Service Project 6/28/2013 - 7/7/2013

Created by Tessa Woods

Here's how my week was spent. Each morning, our teams from our church would go out from 9am-4pm and work on different work sites.

My team worked with an older man, Dennis, and his older daughter, Sarah. It was such a breathtaking experience.

Our team had to help insulate a bathroom and put a skirt on the bottom of the room. Over the course of the week, we got to know Dennis more. Sarah didn't really come out of her house much. The interesting thing about this site was how it was almost like a small neighborhood because there were multiple trailers in a small section of road.

This trip gave me a whole new perspective on life, judging before you know something, and how to be way more appreciative. It seems that although these people have absolutely nothing, they seem to be happier than those who have "everything."

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